1) I know without a doubt that Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe.
2) My family is my rock.
3) I have the best sister ever. Be jealous.
4) I would be lost without my friends
5) My dog Sadie Jane is one of the cutest pups ever, but Dillon Lee will always be my first puppy love.
6) I strongly believe that Texas Tech is the best university EVER.
7) I've never missed a single episode of Grey's Anatomy. It must never ever end.
8) Dirk Nowitzki is hot. And the Dallas Mavericks are amazing.
9) I think Celine Dion hung the moon. Using her bare hands and no superpowers.
10) I swore I would never ever join a sorority in college. And then I did. (And I loved it.)
11) I could live off of chicken strips and ranch dressing.
12) I want to live in a city where it rains ALL the time
13) I have more jewelry and purses than one girl could ever use over the course of her entire life. Sadly, that doesn't keep me from buying something that I love (that is affordable, of course).
14) Gerbera daisies are my fave.
15) I’m scared to death of never finding true love.
16) I have an unhealthy amount of Skittles chap stick. I HATE my lips being dry. And it tastes good.
17) My iPod has almost two straight non-stop week’s works of music on it (a fact my Mom finds ridiculous).
18) One day, I want to have a maid who comes to my house once a day to change the sheets on my bed. Bliss.
20) I cry every single episode, but I love Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
21) I cannot wait to be a mom. I have names picked out and everything. I’m totally aware I will never be as good as the mom God gave me. She's the best mother ever.

22) I absolutely despise rice.

23) I love chick flicks.
24) Family holidays aren’t the same without pecan pie my Meemaw makes.
25) I want to cause a traffic jam one day. But not because I’m splattered all over the road. I want it to be because I’m famous or something… like how people get caught in jams on the way to big events… like how cool would it be to be Pat Knight and look out your office window and know that all that traffic is stalled because that many people are coming to see your team play? Awesome.
26) Purple is my favorite color.

27) I cry
28) I love Speech Pathology school more than I ever thought I would.
29) I’m a total sucker for The Bachelor/Bachelorette TV show. It's the most pointless show on television but I can't NOT watch it.
30) My parents are the most generous people I know.
31) I love Trident strawberry with lime gum.

33) I would love to live in New York in a penthouse with a great view. I need to marry a millionaire first.

34) In my next life, I want to be a fashion designer. Or an interior decorator.
35) I am REALLY sarcastic.
36) I HATE feeling stupid.
37) I can’t blow my nose.
38) My pinkies are crooked. I was born that way.

39) I LOVE girl’s college basketball and I love the NBA playoffs.

40) I absolutely HATE arguing and fighting with people.
41) Diet Coke is amazing.

42) So are Sprees and Skittles.

43) I own my own house, free and clear.
44) I will graduate both college and graduate school with absolutely no school-related debt.
45) Country music is my fave.
46) I LOVE being with my family.
47) I am a complete Daddy’s girl, but I tend to spend more time with my Mom.
48) I heart Target.
49) No doubt about it, I will marry one of the following men one day: Patrick Dempsey, Tim Tebow, Apolo Anton Ohno, Maksim Chmerkovskiy, or Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

50) My mom is an INCREDIBLE cook. Homemade pimento cheese, mozzarella grilled cheese, 4-layer dessert… among a million other things. Yumm!
51) My hair straightener is a lifesaver.
52) I’ve never once doubted how much my family loves me. When I didn’t have the strength to believe in myself, they did. And they are so so supportive. Could have never made it without them.
53) A good cry and a bubble bath are a great remedy for a crappy day.
54) I pray for my future spouse every single day.
55) My dad is an auctioneer. Because of this, I have been asked one question my entire life more times than I can count: “So, does he talk that fast in normal conversation?” (The answer is no.)

56) If my life were made into a movie, Reese Witherspoon would play me. And Patrick Dempsey would be my lover.

57) My mom has a law degree and took the Bar Exam when she was 8.5 months pregnant with my sister. Superwoman.

58) I LOVE the Olympics. Everything but the lame sports (curling, badmitton, soccer and others I can't think of right now), that is.

59) Admittedly, I'm not a great cook. Or even a good one. But I am a firm believer in my crock pot. It has never let me down.
60) I don't mind doing laundry. But I despise taking out the trash.
61) I can't stand it when people say they will do something and then don't do it. It's not hard to do what you say you will.
62) I have no room in my life for people who are cocky and who have bad attitudes. Are you listening, LeBron?

63) If you can't be nice to me, go away.
64) I hate it when people make fun of me.
65) I have no tolerance for people who are judgmental or people who ask stupid questions.
66) Casting Crowns is my favorite Christian band. And their concert was incredible.

67) I had a doll growing up named Talking Baby and I'm pretty sure we were best friends. An entire drawer in my dresser was designated to Talking Baby's (whose name changed every day) clothes.
68) I really can't stand science fiction/fantasy movies.
69) My dad has always been VERY protective of my sister and I. As a result, as I've gotten older, I've gotten more and more protective of my family. I have no tolerance or patience for people who hurt my precious family. Say whatever you want about me, but don't hurt my family or I'll have to break your face.
70) I have absolutely no pain tolerance. I thought I was going to die when I had ankle surgery. Literally, every day I thought I was dying. It was miserable.
71) My bed is the most comfortable bed in the history of the world. It's a king sized mattress with a fluffy pillowtop cover thing so it's like sleeping on a cloud. I love it.
72) Speaking of bed, it is impossible for me to get up in the morning and not hit the snooze button on my alarm at least 4 times. I HATE waking up in the morning and I also hating waking up ridiculously early (anytime before at least 11 AM, that is).
73) I would love to be a pediatric oncologist but I don't think I'm strong enough. I would come home every day and just cry and cry for those kids and their families. I cried when Denny died on Grey's Anatomy; no way I could handle it when it's people I actually know and personally care about.
74) My middle name is after my Mom's mom. When I was younger, I hated it. But now I don't mind it so much.
75) My planner is never far away from me. It's color coded and filled with birthdays, release dates, tests, projects---all the things that make up this wonderful life I lead.
76) I am a TERRIBLE test taker. I study and study and then I get nervous and freak out. It usually sets in about 24 hours before test time. I took this Anatomy class in college and I was so sure I was going to fail. It was hands down the hardest class I had ever taken up until that point. About two hours before a test, I called my Mom and I was sobbing. I was exhausted, scared I was about to fail and worried about disappointing my parents and letting them down. She came to where I was on campus and literally talked me down from the ledge. We drove all over town and by the time she dropped me off to go to take that test, I had a mantra that I said over and over. As it turns out, I did fine on the test. Thank God. I've never been a good test taker because I know how high the expectations are from my parents. It's one of the reasons I am most excited about getting out of school: no more tests!
77) I never listen to the radio. The commercials drive me crazy. Therefore, I burn a lot of CDs and make up my own playlists on iTunes. The commercials on TV are just as bad. I have no idea how I ever lived without DVR. Don't know how I lived without iTunes, either.
78) I learned to swim before I was five. Growing up, I was a fish. We had a pool in the back yard and I never left unless I had to. That's probably why I've had so many pre-cancerous moles taken off and why no dermatology appointment was complete without a lecture about sunscreen (that I never used, I might add). Oops.
79) I love finding amazing quotes.
80) Snakes freak me the heck out.
81) Me and my sister could have fun doing just about anything. And one of the things I love the most is that we laugh until we cry about things that no other human being would find even remotely funny. Seriously. It happens all the time. We start talking about it and just can't make it through because we are laughing too hard (this will happen if you ask either of us about our adventures on Catalina Island or Habib *clap clap*). If we DO get through the entire story, no one else thinks its as funny as we did/do. It's great.
82) I could eat a hamburger every single day and never get tired of it. I only like mayo and pickles (and sometimes cheese) on my burgers. Yummmmmm.
83) I HATE being hot. I would much rather be cold. But when it's cold, I put my electric blanket on my bed. It makes no sense, but when it's snowing outside or just crazy cold, I love to snuggle up under a warm blanket.
84) I've been to a LOT of concerts. My favorites (so far) have been Celine in Vegas and Houston, and Casting Crowns. But I've loved almost all of the concerts I've been to.
85) I know for a fact that dreams can come true. I dreamed for years and years and years---seriously, a LOOOOOOOOONG time of getting to see Celine Dion in concert. And then it happened. Twice. Two of the best nights of my life, hands down.
86) I hate it when people call me "spoiled" and/or "spoiled little rich girl" or anything remotely close to either of those things. It bothers me because so much of the time, people have no idea what they are talking about yet choose to say negative things about me. It's not my fault my life is so amazing.
87) For my high school graduation present, I got a brand new car that I got to choose. I still love that car.
88) I really hope I marry a guy who is much like my Dad one day. He always opens the doors for girls (especially my sister and I, but usually women in general as well), he refills our drinks when out, he pays for dinner... all the little gentlemanly respectful manner-ish things. It's one of the billion zillion trillion things I love about him. It helps that he is the most incredible father in the entire universe.
89) I don't consider golf a sport. I just don't think it's hard to walk around for 6 hours and hit a ball a few times.
90) I absolutely HATE cleaning. But I LOVE coming home to a clean and spotless house.
91) I hate cats. They are antisocial and can't do any cool tricks. And quite honestly, I have never seen a cute cat.
92) I still love Disney movies. I think one of the best parts of them is the music. I could never pick just one favorite.
93) My sister and I went to the same school district from kindergarten to twelfth grade. It was also the high school where my Dad and his siblings went. He was President of the school board, and if his business hadn't taken off like it did when it did, he would still probably be on the school board.
94) My family hosted three foreign exchange students in my lifetime. Maria from Russia came to us for about 2 months after being in a home who basically just used her as a babysitter. I think I was in junior high; she lived in our basement. Next was Juliana from Brazil, who moved in the my sister's old room during my junior year of high school and stayed for about 11 months. Finally, Tomoko from Japan came for part of my senior year in high school (about 3 months, I think). With each of them, I learned soooo much. We definitely had our differences and our tiffs, but I wouldn't trade the experiences for the world.
95) If shopping were an Olympic sport, I'd win the gold medal every single year.

96) The first thing I do when I walk through the door every day is take off my shoes (unless I really have to pee). If I have to pee, I sprint to the bathroom and almost always take off my shoes while relieving myself. Sorry if that's TMI, but I HATE wearing shoes. I would go barefoot all the time if my feet wouldn't get insanely disgusting and it were socially appropriate and acceptable.
97) When a movie becomes a favorite of mine, I wear it out. There are so many movies that I've seen so many times I can literally recite the lines. It's sad, really. Such movies include (but are not limited to: Sweet Home Alabama, Pearl Harbor, Runaway Bride, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember and many others. I also know most of the lines from Grey's Anatomy and Glee. If only I could remember educational things as easy. Sigh.
98) I have a LOT of headbands. I seriously think I have one of every color imaginable. They are cheap and they can dress things up (or down) and always look adorable.
99) I really wish I could play the piano. I think it sounds so gorgeous in slow songs and it's often soothing to me. Since I can't even read music, I'm probably SOL. Darn.
100) If you looked up "city girl" in the dictionary, I'm 99.9% sure you would see my picture. I don't like doing dirty things (hiking, digging, camping, etc) and I could never survive in a place where there's no clean running water for a shower and a working bathroom that didn't require hovering in order to not get e. coli. Just can't do it. Give me a mall and I'm set.
101) Every single time I think about my life, I continue to be amazed at how immensely blessed and lucky I am. I'm living a girl's dream: I have my own house, a college degree (and a graduate degree soon), the best family in the entire universe, adorable puppies and a God who sent His only Son to reconcile my screw-ups.
I don't know how I got so lucky; why God chose to bless me this way. If you were in this position, you'd be blown away too.
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