Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Little Couple

So, the little couple came on tonight (for an entire hour), and Sadiekins and I were SO SO excited.

I'm back for my list of why you should love Jen and Bill, too. I'm really not sure how I got so hooked on this show. I think I was just bored and was flipping through the channels and started watching. Since then, I haven't missed an episode and the first season is on my DVD shelf.

Here goes:

1) They are so normal! They live just like normal people; they expect people to treat them just like anyone else. They obviously have different bodies than "normal" people, but you would never know it by the way they live their lives.

2) They refused to make their wedding part of their reality TV series. That's awesome. And how cute is she as a bride?

3) They know how to laugh at themselves and each other and it's clear they are best friends. It's adorable.

4) They are both sooo ambitious. Their size doesn't hold them back. She went to med school at Johns Hopkins and is now a neonatologist at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. I can't imagine how hard her interviews for med school must have been. "Normal" people talk about how tough they are, and you know everyone interviewing her was probably thinking "this girl is crazy". It's awesome that she hung in there and is now so successful. Bill has his own medical marketing firm.

5) I really believe they will make it. Their love basically jumps off the screen. It feels so real even just watching them on TV.

In other TV news, my second boyfriend from DWTS got eliminated tonight. Poor Louie. Him and his partner Chelsie had to have a dance-off with Michael Irvin and the judges chose to eliminate Louie and Chelsie. Sad sad sad. Oh well, he actually stayed on longer than I thought he would.

Happy hump day, loves!