Monday, October 12, 2009


Thank you, once again,! They have yet again given me blog material! For this week's first dose of randomness, I bring you some serious hilarity! Enjoy...

Let it be known that I DESPISE Nancy Grace... I think she's a freakin' psycho and she annoys the crud out of me.
Nancy Grace: "You've got on two diamond earrings. You're obviously not broke."
Jon Gosselin: "Actually, they're CZs."

Now, I love me some Jessica Simpson. I think she's so adorable and really down to earth, even though she might be slightly dumb. But this just might be TMI.
"Gosh, I'm so emotional. It's not that time of the month, either!"

Now, although I love The View (don't knock it until you've seen it), I csn't stand Joy Behar. Although it's a retarded question, I think it's funny.
Joy Behar, interviewing Kelly Clarkson on the View: "Do you always talk at the speed of lightning?"

Such a male thing to say. Ugh. Maybe YOU ARE the retarded one, Guy. UGH.
Guy Ritchie: "I still love her. But she's retarded, too."

In other fashion news, what in the world is Katy Perry wearing this time? I don't get it. And don't get me started on her boy toy. It's just bad.

And speaking of fashion, WHAT IN THE WORLD about this getup did Oprah find attractive and okay? It's just wrong. That hat is waaaaay too big, and she looks like a bottle of mustard exploded all over her.

I'm thinking that Mary Kate Olsen could seriously use a fashion intervention. This is terrible.

And now for the good stuff.

Uncle Jesse was adorable when I was like 10 on Full House. Now, he's just as adorable. I have no clue why he is coming out of a locker, but nevertheless, he's adorable. I could eat him.

And as always, McDreamy is.... DREAMY! Wowza! I love that man. And yes, I will marry him one day. Emily Dempsey has a wonderful lovely ring to it.

And, being the Dancing with the Stars fan that I am, I must not forget Kelly Osborne. I've never been a fan of the Osbornes, but she looks amazing in this dress. And she actually looks semi-normal. Who knew such a thing was possible?

And, I just have to throw this in. This is every girl's dream. Boys, take note and stock up.

And, I have some crazy and terrible school news to share with you, but I will save that for tomorrow after I kick the crap out of my Anatomy test tomorrow. Just for a preview, my Phonetics teacher from Korea is a psycho bi-atch.

Much love! XOXO