Monday, January 4, 2010

A Resolution Worth Keeping

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2

If you're thinking about making some New Year's Resolutions, consider this one from The Apostle: "This year I resolve to know nothing but Christ and him crucified."

Paul's message is radically simple: Salvation is in Christ alone. What does this mean?
* It's not Christ plus your good behavior.
* It's not Christ plus the years you taught a Bible study.
* It's not Christ plus your tithe.
* It's not Christ plus the church you attend.
* It's not Christ plus the number of verses you memorize.
* It's not Christ plus your title in the church.
* It's not Christ plus wisdom from the latest Christian seminar.
* It's not Christ plus a desert fast (or even a dessert fast!).
* It's not Christ plus a good driving record.
* It's not Christ plus well-behaved children.
* It's not Christ plus the right job.
* It's not Christ plus the most supportive family in the entire universe.
* It's not Christ plus the cutest puppy ever.
* It's not Christ plus the best job.
* It's not Christ plus Grey's Anatomy.
* It's not Christ plus whoever has the most fashionable clothes.
* It's not Christ plus the nicest and/or best car.
* It's not Christ plus the world's greatest friends.
* It's not Christ plus who has the most money.
* It's not Christ plus who has the best body.
* It's not Christ plus being number one in Speech Pathology school.
* It's not Christ plus the right spouse.
* It's not Christ plus the latest technology.

It's simply Christ. Christ plus nothing.

That's a message that is as right throughout the coming year as it will be in 2999.

May your new resolution for the year be nothing but Christ and Him crucified.