Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday Hodge Podge

I just LOOOOOOOOOOVE random posts that are all over the place. And because Monday is my least favorite day of the week, I'm taking this opportunity to make myself happy. I'm just that cool.

I went back to the rec center for a one hour session for the first time in a week and I was pretty sure I was going to die. (This feeling continued from 3:30 to 4:30, just for the record.) However, I didn't die! Go Emily!

I put my electric blanket on my bed over the weekend and I must say, it's pretty phenomenal. There's nothing better than waking up toasting and warm yet not covered in sweat. The jury is still out on if S2 likes it. S1 doesn't love it, but doesn't seem to hate it either. By morning she is usually laying on top of the covers rather than under them.

Speaking of my darling S's, Sophia just about gave me a heart attack last night. We were getting settled into bed, and suddenly Sophie decided to go bezerk. I had no idea what she was barking/growling at, but she was clearly freaked the heck out. I thought she was being silly, so I let it continue for a minute or so but when it didn't end right away, I decided to scope it out. I moved my leg in the direction of Sophie and suddenly I felt this hard rock of something. Um, I freaked out. I may or may not have jumped out of bed and screamed. As it turns out, there was a bone in there that Sophie was apparently mad at. It's a good thing she is so darn cute or I might have forced her to stay outside (Who am I kidding? That would never ever happen!).

I am so excited about the Country Music Awards this Wednesday. I love the fashion and of course the entertainment and performances are (for the most part) really great.

Check back Wednesday night or Thursday for a country music fashion rundown!