Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back into the land of the living

I'm alive!!!!! I made it through another sesmseter of grad school. This was by far my least favorite semester thus far, but somehow I'm still number one in my class. (Toot-toot!---- that's me tooting my own horn for rocking so much.)

Since I have been out of school, this is a bit of what I've done:

Slept at least 10 hours a night---unheard of during school (I'm lucky to get 5).

Spent tons of time with my favorite 4-legged beauties--I worried they might not recognize me when I'm not stressed out, but thank goodness they still remembered me.

I am currently on the second season of Gilmore Girls. I started at the beginning and am loving the marathon every day. I LOVE that show. 

I spent two entire days in my pajamas and did not leave my house. It was blissful. And I hope I get to do it 100 more times before I go back to school (hey, a girl can dream).

Man, my life is tough.

(I kid, I kid!)