Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Attention ladies: It is now officially sum-sum-summatime.

This means that the seemingly endless conundrum of "what is work appropriate summer attire?" is officially on everyone's minds. Well, at least mine. In any event, I'm about to impart some serious knowledge on you.

File this list away as top 5 general office etiquette - right behind the NO nail clipping rule.

1. Tank tops are acceptable when you are out to dinner with friends. Or at a club. Or out shopping. However, I do NOT want to look at your poorly shaved pits in the hall of the hospital as you put up your hasn't been washed in ten years hair. It's just not cool. Ann Taylor make cardigans for a reason. And there are jackets (or even just SLEEVES) with scrubs for a reason as well.

2. I love strappy sandals as much as the next girl, and as cute and fun and impressive as your Old Navy flip flops in every color of the rainbow might be, they do not scream, "Hey, I take my job seriously!" Put on a professional pair of shoes and keep some of your dignity. And really girls, those 3, 4 and 5 inch heels are lovely and all, but is it really worth the pain and blisters? I think not.

3. This actually pairs with Rule #2: just because the weather says you can wear open-toed shoes doesn't mean that you should (and never ever ever... I repeat NEVER in the OR, ladies!). Treat yourself to a nice pedicure before you even dare expose those toes. Nobody wants to see your disgusting and unpolished feet. It's soooooo gross.

4. I feel like I'm back in ninth grade with this one: if your skirt/dress doesn't pass your fingertips when you hold your hands at your side (without cheating by bending your elbows in a 90 degree angle), you shouldn't be wearing it. This especially applies to all women over 18 during any season.

5. Kudos to you if you're using your lunchtime to walk around outside and get some exercise. However, since the hospital does not have a shower for you to refresh your hot mess of a self, keep it inside so the sweat stays to a minimum. I don't want to smell your nasty BO during rounds, okay?

Take those to the summer bank and cash them, friends.

Speaking of work issues, my poor Mom had a pretty crappy day today. :( She's an Assistant Dean at a law school, and she's always had an issue with a fellow dean. Basically, she has her very own Kat. I totally understand her frustrations; the woman is a micro managing control freak who is much more of a dictator than anything else. At this time, the law school is on the hunt for a new dean. It's a BIG deal. And has been for like a year now, since the current dean recently retired. Well, they told my Mom today that "evil dean woman" is being named interim dean. NOT GOOD. AT ALL. So now my Mom is really contemplating retired about a year in advance just to save her sanity. I hate the whole situation because I know how much my Mom really likes her job; she's spent the last 23 years there. I'm hoping that she works a little longer (because she wanted to wait until next year to retire, although she could still retire soon and be okay financially), but if this demon is going to drive her crazy, it's just not worth it when she has another way of putting food on the table and making a mortgage payment. So if you get a moment, feel free to send up some prayers. Pray for guidance, strength, and peace about the entire situation. Thanks in advance. :)

In other news, Glee goes Gaga tonight. AND it's the season finale of The Biggest Loser and DWTS. Thank GOD for DVR!