Sunday, May 16, 2010

Toot toot

It's time for me to toot my own horn!

I won't know my official class rank until Wednesday, but I just checked online, annnnnnd....

I made all A's.


And that Clinical Audiology class that I always griped about? I got an A+!!!!! I didn't even know you could get an A+ in graduate school.

All those tears, all those late nights, the complete lack of sleep and absolute zombiness, the acne breakouts because of stress, it was all worth it!

By the way, the Celine DVDs are beyond amazing. Incredible. Fabulous. Rocking. Beautiful. Real. She rocks.

And for your last bit of randomness, COME ON ORLANDO!!!!!! Game 1 is just that... one game. It's not over yet. You can do it! And you can bet I'll be watching.

And this guy is becoming one of my favorite players! Love him! :)

Hey, any chance I could borrow some of your skills, homeboy?

And this team is still not my favorite AT ALL. They have bad attitudes, they are cocky and they think they are entitled to winning instead of working for it.

Let's go Magic!!!!!!