It's another edition of the formerly named "Roses and Thorns". This week, it's Skittles and Coconuts.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Skittles. I think I could live off of Skittles. I love the red, purple and even the blue packages. I'm also a fan of the Crazy Cores Skittles. Yummmmy.
On the other hand, I can't stand any kind of coconut candy. Or coconuts in general for that matter. EWWWWW. Grody. Sick. Nasty. You get the idea. I can't think of a candy that is covered in coconuts, so instead, I'll just use coconuts themselves for the purpose of this post.
Skittles to a new iPhone! I'm so excited. I've done TONS of research and know which Apps I want. I can't wait.
Skittles to the dear old man who bought me my gorgeous black iPhone: the best Dad in the world!
Skittles to a new episode of Little Couple. Yay for Season Three.
Skittles to an AWESOME episode of Glee last week. They went GaGa and it was one of the best (and funniest) episodes ever.
Skittles to a great weekend with the best family ever.
Skittles to seeing my exciting puppies again after 4 looooooooooong days away. They were so excited to see me. I'm so happy they didn't forget me. I love them. (And for the record, they LOVE Skittles, too!)
Skittles to FINALLY giving my Mom her Mother's Day gifts. We were waiting until my sister was here to give her the stuff, and that just so happened to be Friday night. Thankfully, she loved everything.
Skittles to Kristin Davis looking as gorgeous as ever.
Skittles to a movie date tomorrow to see SATC2! Can't wait.
Coconuts to Kobe Bryant's terrible attitude. His little "tap" on the opposing coach's behind was pretty class-less. And then, there was no reason for the "wings" he felt the need to show off while running to the other side of the court.
Coconuts to the Magic losing in the NBA Eastern Conference finals. Those annoying Celtics beat them out in six games. I still love you, Dwight.

Coconuts to a terrible look from Sarah Jessica Parker. First of all, there's the problem with the black and blue in one ensemble. Gasp. And there's also the problem of her trying to make some slutty lingerie look like a dress. Just didn't work.

Coconuts to Uggs! They're called uggs because they are uggggggggg-ly. :) And why in the world would someone want to work out in boots?

Coconuts to saying goodbye. I had such a great weekend, but it's so hard to say goodbye.
Coconuts to this GaGa getup. I can't even explain it. I am impressed that she could walk (and perform) in this mess.

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