Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Head Much?

Is it possible for Oprah to get any more conceited and full of herself? I think not.

What's the big deal? So Sarah Palin didn't want to come on her "thrilling, riveting, Barack Obama obsessed" talk show. I don't understand. It's like she has an air of entitlement just because she is Oprah. I still say if Sarah doesn't want to go on, she shouldn't. Someone needs to put Oprah that afro in it's place.


Oh, what a difference a multimillion-dollar book deal makes.

About a year after Sarah Palin famously turned down a campaign season appearance with talk show host – and major Barack Obama supporter – Oprah Winfrey, the former GOP vice presidential candidate has agreed to take her turn on the couch.

Palin will appear Nov. 16 on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and no doubt the subject of her upcoming book, Going Rogue: An American Life, will come up.

Interestingly, Winfrey called it months ago – quipping, "Maybe she'll talk to me now that she has a book deal."

Yes, I will be watching.