Friday, October 16, 2009


So, I'm a bit in the dumps today. It's just one of those days. Ugh. It's cold outside and I just want to be inside snuggled up with someone I care about (and/or love) watching the Little Couple or college football games on TV. I hate being alone and I so want to be in love again.

I have incredible friends. Really, they mean everything to me. But they all have lives of their own; there's no need to bother them with all my issues (although I know they would gladly listen to me and help me cry). So, I decided to blog about it because I can still feel like I've talked about it, but because no one reads my blog, no one is really being forced to listen to me.

My family is incredible as well. They have always been there for me and are the most supportive and encouraging human beings in the world. I cherish my relationship with each and every one of them.

Relationships of all kinds (potential, lifelong, whatever) are INCREDIBLY complicated and can be so heartbreaking. It's hard to consistently care about someone when you are pretty sure they don't care about you at all, without getting your heart broken every single time.

In the midst of my breakdown, I thought about two quotes that I can totally relate to at times like these. In some strange way, I find a lot of comfort in them.

~~~~Sometimes you gotta forget how you feel, and remember what you deserve.~~~~

~~~~One day you're going to wake up and realize how much you truly love her and when that day comes, she'll be waking up next to the guy who already knew.~~~~

I still have high hopes for being in love one day. God just doesn't think I'm ready for that yet. And, though I'm so lonely sometimes, He knows what is best for me.

I'm really trying hard to remember that God chooses what we go through, we choose how we go through it. I choose to believe that God knows better than I do; I'll keep trusting in His timing, hard though it may be. I also choose to cry about it now and then. Take it or leave it.

Tomorrow is another day... here's to a happier one!

My Theme Song for Today:

Sail On

Maybe once or twice you see
Time after time I tried
Hold on to what we got
But now you're going
And I don't mind
About the things you're gonna say
I gave all my money and my time
I know its a shame
But I'm giving you back your name
Guess Ill be on my way
I wont be back to stay
I guess Ill move along
I gave you my heart
And I tried to make you happy
And you gave me nothing in return
You know it ain't so hard to say
Would you please just go away
Ive thrown away the blues
I'm tired of being used