Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do The Crabtree

It's no secret that I am a diehard Red Raiders fan. I BLEED RED AND BLACK...

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you have heard some recent hoopla about Michael Crabtree.

There's no doubt that he was one of Tech's very best recruits and college receivers ever. He broke just about every record in the history books and won some pretty prestigious awards for college football receivers. He was even on the cover of the XBOX 360 game NCAA Football 2010.

Although I would have loved for him to stay at Texas Tech and get a degree, he chose to get out of school after 2 seasons and entered the 2009 NFL Draft. He was actually drafted in the first round by the San Francisco 49ers, pick number 10 I think. Lubbock was THRILLED... He had already given us so much to be proud of, and even more notoriety for Tech (which is usually overshadowed by University of Texas, unfortunately).

However, after he was drafted, he decided to become a drama king. I don't know about you, but I would personally be okay with 15 million bucks to play a sport---that's all assuming I had a single fiber of athletic skill and any snippet of coordination of any kind. But, I digress.

The 49ers offered him millions, but he threatened to sit out this season and re-draft next season unless they gave him more money. Suddenly, everyone in Lubbock was talking about how ungrateful and ridiculous he was acting. How dare he act like a Longhorn!

However, today he decided to become humble and sign with San Francisco. Yay!

Although I'm happy for him, and so thrilled at the way he represented Tech while he was here, I have very little respect for his arrogance and greed.

The jury is still out on how he does in the NFL.

And for a little lighthearted fun, let's all learn how to Crank that Crabtree. :)

Go Raiders!