Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sadie's First (Dog) Boyfriend

So... I have found the dog my little princess just might marry someday.

I am in no way ready to give her away (sniff sniff) but I thought you might be interested to hear about her boyfriend. ;)

Sadie weighed less than 10 pounds a few weeks ago when she got her lady parts taken out. She might be a foot long (minus her tail) when she stands up.

Here is me and my little baby:

Her boyfriends name is Boomer. Boomer measures 7 feet tall from nose to tail, and weighs a whopping 180 pounds.

My little Sadie has a small water/food bowl. It's pink and it says Live, Love, Bark thankyouverymuch. Apparently Boomer is large enough that he can drink out of the kitchen sink on his own. I sure hope he learns some manners and remembers to fill up Sadie Jane's bowl, too.


So, obviously, there's no way Boomer and Sadie could get married (never mind the fact that this post is completely and totally ridiculous and stupid). I just couldn't miss the opportunity to have a little fun with it when I saw the article and pictures on the Yahoo! home page.

Yay for Grey's Anatomy in just 20 more short minutes! And tomorrow, there will be another "Why Grey's Anatomy is so awesome" post.