If you know me pretty well, you will know that racial prejudice and judgmental people drives me up the wall. There are some stereotypes that make me cringe to hear them. In fact, the main issue that I take with private school is that most of them have very few minority students. Even if it doesn't, I don't want my children to grow up believing that all people look about the same, or that white people are the only "normal" people. Or that whites are "better"/"more talented"... you get the idea.
DRIVES. ME. CRAZY. Heart palpitations, skyrocketing heart rate, sometimes a cold sweat, and some serious refrain. Add in some teeth clenching and lots of eye rolling.
I can't understand for one second how a Christian can assume that the color of someone's skin or their preferences (ANY of their preferences) lessens their value to God or the amount of His glory that person holds. I've heard a moron pastor say that one of his professors mentioned that racism is a likely root for Jonah's disobedience. He didn't want to go to the Ninevites because he didn't believe that they deserved to hear from God as much as his own people did. That's just a theory, and shouldn't be taught as fact, but it fits the story well.
Racism and judgment has no place among God's people. He made us. He designed us all well. Jesus made a point to speak to people that no one else would. He sat down to dinner with those that the Jewish leaders of the time wouldn't make eye contact with. He was a liberator. He healed the adulterers, made friends with prostitutes, saved those who had abandoned their families and were living in sin every single day.
In a similar fashion, it makes me even more angry to hear people use my God as an excuse to hate people and pass judgment on them. You hear it often in discussions about homosexuality and abortion.
How dare anyone use the name of my King, who died for the sins of His people out of love, as an excuse to hate sinners?
When we mistreat people because they have sinned, we break the second commandment. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Why do we think that those who sleep around, choose to have un-PC sexual preferences, or a terminated pregnancy changes that command? Last time I checked, Jesus loved EVERYONE. Regardless of their past, present, future. And last time I checked, they deserve love every bit as much as I do. He sweat drops of blood for those people too---the ones that have made the worst of mistakes.
Most of the time, people who try to use the Bible to excuse their sin don't know the verses that they want to "quote". I once heard a guy in an experiment conducted by one of those news television shows (I cannot remember which one it was) swear every other word, and then try to defend his disdain for homosexuals by the Bible. Granted, I don't think he could tell the difference between the Bible and Koran if his life depended on it. Even though I'm positive that he was lost, he marred our faith with his words. The very debt my Jesus paid for me. And ironically enough, he died as much for that moron as he did for me.
Here's the confession: I sometimes get so angry about these things, that I am challenged in loving the people who make these mistakes (judge those who do typically "bad" things). I know, how hypocritical can a person be? When I heard that guy on t.v. saying my Lord's name in his defense of hatred, I had a very hard time maintaining any love for him. I do my best, but when people use my Savior as a way of justifying them treating someone badly is infuriating. I go crazy. And it's hard to be nice to judgmental people.
I'm trying very hard to be aware of this weakness, one equal to the weaknesses listed above. I don't know why such things drive me so crazy, but even if they do make me angry, I can control my response. I can intentionally think on something else. Change the subject. Watch a nice, happy chick flick or jam out to Celine for a few hours. I freak out and have such a hard time being nice. I find myself forcing myself to count to 10 and take deep breaths. Out with the bad, in with the good. And then I pray. For me, for them, for everyone involved.
My mom is so helpful in this, and I'm thankful for that---among a billion other things. Although she doesn't have any racism or a bit of judgmental tendencies in her, she never hates people due to their committed sins, and she isn't as emotional in her response to them. I often talk to her about it and I always see things a little clearer after a talk with her. It doesn't mean she condones bad behavior or living in sin, but she has helped me to see the uselessness of getting so angry and has instead encouraged me to get on my knees and talk to Jesus about it.
I'm glad that the same God that forgives the sins of the hated and the hater (if they come to Him) is willing to forgive me, a sinner just like everyone else.
End rant.
~~~Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, but be gracious if it kills you.~~~
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