Monday, February 18, 2013

Epic fail

Well, since it's been almost an entire month since I've posted here, I guess I failed at my attempt of writing "Thankful things" everyday. I really have no excuse, other than my life is full and crazy. I've had crazy days at work, family activities and I've been sick. Please know that my life is full of things to be thankful for. I'm an incredibly blessed girl and I'm forever grateful for my bazilliontrillion blessings.

So instead of making up for it,  rest assured that I'll (hopefully!!) be back much more frequently than the last month. Sometimes with thankful things post, sometimes not. You'll just have to check in to see. :)

Here's to more frequent blogging. 

P.S. For the record, my four legged friend is still the cutest girl chi-weenie on the planet.  Duh.