Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The grass isn't always greener on the other side. No matter how much fertilizer you have.

I worry much more about what God’s will in my life, rather than trusting my life was already in His will.

It is His Grace that will carry you. Because it is amazing.

"...even Jesus asked at least twice "If there's any other way..." (Matthew 26:39 & 42) and ending with "...may Your will be done." Oh, the faith it takes to pray that prayer... I think we are so conditioned to pray for safety and comfort that sometimes we forget His will isn't necessarily about either of those, but His will IS GOOD."

The more Satan sees something crucial on that next step, the more he will fight you. Why does God allow such warfare? Sometimes God uses the fight to strengthen muscles we'll need at that next level. If yesterday's wimp is going to become tomorrow's warrior, something has to happen today.