Consider yourself warned: this post will be extremely random. Also, the NBA final playoffs are pretty much on my TV every night lately. Hence all the basketball tidbits.
Why can't Prince William want to marry me instead of Kate Middleton? Maybe it's because he has no idea I'm alive and because she is so gorgeous it should be illegal? I'm sure that's it.
I really hope it's rainy and dark tomorrow; I only have one class, then I get to come home and I'm really looking forward to napping all day with my babies. Sounds, perfect doesn't it? You bet.
Chick Fil A is quite possibly the best food in town.
My dad bought me some gas tonight; because he's awesome like that. I had to meet him and give him some info about hearing aids for someone he knows, so we decided to meet at Wal-mart so I could get some gas (my low fuel light may or may not have been flashing the whole way there). When I got there, he bought my gas. Why yes, he's the best pops ever. I love him. :)
The Mavs are seriously sucking it up tonight. It's ridiculous. Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Dirk. Even if you lose, I'll still love you. Just remember that it's not easy to win in San Anton.
I think there needs to be an Attention Seekers hotline. I think Kate Gosselin, Paris Hilton, Justin Beiber, and "Snooki" would be the ideal operators. And lets not forget Oprah and her BFF Gayle. Oh yeah, and can I get a praise Jesus Hallelujah because Kate is officially done on Dancing with the Stars? Halle-freakin-lujah!
Tattoos are pretty annoying. And I don't understand these guys who have them allllllllll over their necks/arms/face... seriously everywhere. Here are some examples. Ridiculous.
Honky Tonk across your belly? Everyone should call you Classy McClassyton.
Oh look, it's Honky Tonk boy again. And now he has a friend. The big lips on your neck, interesting (and idiotic). One question: Why? Actually, 2 questions: why, and how is that cool/tough/sexy/badass? News flash: It's not.It should be noted that Dirk has not a single bit of ink on him. Not one. Nada. Zilch. And he never will, if I get a say in it. And we all know that he will ask before he does anything so dumb.
By the way, the Mavs are still losing. Pretty sure the Spurs are cheating. Because that's so easy to do in the pros, ya know. Dirk just got a technical. Hold your tongue, sweet boy.
Is it weird that I talk to Dirk as if I know him? It's okay not to answer that.
I'm renting Avatar tomorrow. We never saw it in the theaters and I think we are gonna try to give it a shot. I hope it doesn't suck. Sadie Jane really needs to see her Auntie Katie. She hasn't peed on anyone in awhile, and her love just pees out when she sees her auntie. :)
Oh my gracious, how precious is this 94 year old? She is so so cute! I pray that when she goes to Heaven, it's painless and she doesn't have to suffer long. She's really missing her husband; it's so obvious.
Tim Duncan is such a whiner. OMG SHUT UP and PLAY!!!!!! *deep breath* Every single time you get the ball in the paint, you walk to Georgia and back, and it never gets called. It's not Dirk's fault that you suck and that he is awesome. And it's not his fault that you are ugly and annoying.
Crooked hats look so horrificially stupid. And seriously, if you have to hold your pants when you walk so that they don't fall down, they're probably too big.
I'm thinking I should con, beg, plead talk my sister in to taking me to a Mavs game next season. And I think it should be when they play the Lakers. Come on, tickets will only be as much as Celine. At least I'm giving her plenty of time to save. She did it once, what's another time? Have I mentioned how much that girl rocks? I'm glad she's coming home this weekend. Sadie has missed peeing on someone; I've missed the shopping. Sophie couldn't care less, unless she brings food and is willing to share. I kid, I kid. It really will be fun to hang out again finally.
The Mavs are now within 8 points with 8 minutes left in the fourth quarter. Pretty good, considering a few minutes ago, the Spurs were winning by like 20. Told you Dirk is amazing. :)
I shouldn't be admitting this, but my motivation is seriously gone. It's probably on Mars right about now. Darn it, I haven't even started finals yet! NOT a good sign. Must. Make. It. To. May. 13. I think I can, I think I can!
Well, my Mavs just lost. (Yes, I've been writing this post for like 90 minutes now; my randomness comes in spurts.) So now they go to San Antonio. It's okay, Dirk. They cheated and karma is a bitch. I still love you. And yes, Tim Duncan, I still don't like you. Get used to it.
If you're still reading after all this crap, bless you! That's all for tonight.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
On My Mind
Posted by Emily at 6:00 PM
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