Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pecan Pies and Rice

It's another edition of (formerly known) roses and thorns. This week, it's pecan pie and rice. I'm sure almost anyone who reads this blog is fully aware of my hatred for rice. I can't even explain how much I loathe the stuff. No kidding, it makes me gag to think about it sometimes. On the other hand, I happen to LOVE LOVE LOVE pecan pie (from my Meemaw's kitchen, if I had a choice). It's amazingly delicious and I could eat it every day. Therefore, pecan pie is the "rose" and rice is the "thorns". Enjoy. :)

Pecan Pie

Pecan pies to spending almost the entire weekend with two of my favorite people. I heart them.

Pecan pies to mozzarella grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade pimento cheese

Pecan pies to Kate Gosselin being kicked off of Dancing with the Stars. Thank goodness; it was painful to watch and she whines and cries too much

Pecan pies to great movies (even if I did cry for like half the movie). It was an amazing show!


Rice to the last 5 minutes of this week's Glee episode being cut off, thanks to American Idol. I never have liked that show.

Rice to the San Antonio Spurs. Tim Duncan, in particular. OMG that man drives me crazy; QUIT WHINING AND FREAKIN' PLAY, DUDE! *deep breath*

Rice to Obama. It's an understatement to say we disagree, but I'm so disgusted that he canceled the National Day of Prayer AGAIN this year out of fear of being "too offensive". Well, I'm offended. Somehow I doubt I wasn't the one he was worried about being offended. Lame.

Rice to Lady Gaga's latest getup. I am becoming more and more convinced that she is just an attention whore rather than the next big "thing" in music.

Rice to Mondays. How I loathe thee

Rice to the 2 ridiculously stupid high school one act plays we saw today; the one that beat out my sister's school was terrible (no exaggeration; Sadie and Sophie would've been better actresses than those kids) and lots of rice to that