Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jesus Wept

Have you ever thought about that? Jesus wept. In the midst of his heartache, in the midst of his impending death. He wept. He cried out visibly to his Father, praying that the cup would be taken from his hand.

When children are hurting, scared, afraid, mothers wrap their arms around them and tell them that it is okay, that it will get better, that they are loved. They rush to our sides, and attend to their needs, because that's what mothers do. After all, these are their babies.

Yet, when we, as women hurt, we hold it in. Those who aren't given a "pass" card when it comes to the "right" way to handle emotions. Those of us who aren't mothers or wives. We tell ourselves that we must push those emotions aside. We hold back the tears and put one foot in front of the other, day after day. When something in our lives touches us in a painful way, we feel as if we cannot, or should not show that emotion. We are under the impression that strength is equal to control.

It is not.

One of the most amazing scriptures in the bible ironically is the shortest. Jesus Wept. He knew he had no control over what was about to happen to him. He cried out to His Father, like your child cries out to you.

Its okay for you to cry out to your Father. Its okay for you lay flat on the floor when the world seems to be too heavy and weep. I learned long ago, sobbing in my bed with a shattered heart that God is not only big enough to handle my anger, He loves me enough to do so.

I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.

That includes my anger, my hurt, my selfishness, my pride. That includes my faults, each and every one of them.

Don't assume that because you don't share your heart, He doesn't already know the intimate details (ALL of the intimate details) it contains.