I know that no one besides my family reads this blog, yet I still feel the need to apologize for my lack of posting.
As it turns out, Graduate School Year #2 should also be called "Study More Than You Ever Have In Your Life and Take Ridiculous Tests Entirely Too Often". On that note, I've totally kicked butt on my tests thus far. *knocks on wood so as not to chauffeur the whole thing right into hell*
This year is definitely more sucky than last; everything about it. My teachers are much like the devil and the cattiness of at least one classmate is out of control.
My life has not been all that exciting outside of school, but I'll give you a few bullet points that I've seen randomly. You're welcome.
I think Hillary would fit in perfectly at my sister's school in this getup. Maybe they would even win their very first football game this year if she made an appearance. Or, maybe not. Since this is Texas (AKA the most Republican state there is), I'm sure they would be way too busy throwing tomatoes at her to care.
My puppies are still precious and beautiful. Sophie Grace (Sophia when she is in trouble) went through a stage where she thought playtime happened between 3 and 4 AM. I awoke to a previous little black dog biting my fingers and pouncing on my face. (It's a good thing she is so cute.) I rubbed her ears for a few seconds and forced her back under the covers where she (thankfully) promptly went back to bed. We had many a discussion about this crazy behavior and she appears to have gotten the message and no longer tries to get attention at that hour. It's a good thing, too, because I just might have had to send her to live with Auntie Katie until she grew out of it.
I think I need this 8 million dollar iPhone.
However, I think if I asked my Daddy for it, he might say something similar to this:
Actually, no. I think he would just laugh in my face. And I must admit, if he didn't laugh me out of the room, I'd be concerned about the lovely man.
I promise to do my best to not be so sporadic (I know how much you miss me when there's nothing new on this lovely URL of mine). Have a great weekend, loves!
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