Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bon Jovi Revisited

WARNING: this post is FULL of pictures. Beware of the wonderful-ness that is about to commence (yes, that is a word).

There is this inside joke between my sister and I. We have many, but the one that is relevant on this post is this: we often accuse each other of "copying" the opposite sibling.

Me: "you only starting wearing colored shirts layered under black after I did"
"you only wanted a hair straightener after I had one"
"you only started to straighten your bangs to the side after I did"

Her: "you only loved 'NSync after I told you about them"
"you only liked Glee after I told you that it was a cute yet pointless show"
"you only wanted an iPod after I told Mom and Dad I wanted one"

You get the point. I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that are most often brought up in conversation.

Of course we make these "accusations" all in good fun. I've come to terms with the fact that she always tries to be as cool as me. Unfortunately, I am the only one aware of the fact that only I will ever be ultimately cool. (Totally kidding. Breathe, sister. Ready? In. Out. In. Out. Now, isn't that better?) But I digress.

If you've read my blog at all, you know that I live and breathe Celine. Seriously, I would marry the woman if it were legal (and if my parents wouldn't disown me). Well, her equivalent of Celine has always been Bon Jovi. And while I never really disliked them, I just didn't put much effort or significant time thinking about how amazing they are. She has long been aware of their awesomeness.

Last December, our Mother of the Year had the hookups to this rich lawyer's Christmas bash in Houston and we got on to the guest list. I've blogged about it before:

Every year, he has this private concert for all the people who are invited (it's strictly invitation only and a pretty big deal). Last year, the entertainment was Bon Jovi. In past years, it's been Reba, Dolly Parton, Miley Cyrus. He has way too much money and there's no telling how much you have to pay acts of that caliber to his house for a private concert for hoity toity lawyers.

When my Mom found out Bon Jovi was the act, she immediately put her connections to work, and we were on that list. I truly thought my sister was going to hyperventilate. I was so incredibly happy for her. She took me to Celine not once, but twice. And it wasn't cheap (she has paid for sooo much). Not to mention the other concerts she has been to with me. The best part? She has yet to complain or hold it over my head. She rocks. No kidding. I'm not really in a position to take her to Bon Jovi at the moment (screw you, education), although I have promised her that when I get my own job, I'm taking her on an all expenses paid trip and to see Bon Jovi, I was so thrilled that the opportunity for her to turn gaga came so soon.

So, off we went.

One of the absolute best things about Bon Jovi is their lead singer, Jon. He is one fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine 47 year old man.

And while I wasn't a huge fan and they'll never share the same amount of greatness to me as Celine always has, I've always thought they had some good songs.

My dear sister took hundreds (literally) of pictures during the 75 minute show that night. She sent me the CD full of pictures quite some time ago, and I just now found the CD again and decided to post some here. The girl can take some amazing pictures, that's for sure. Yes, we were really that close. The only editing she did was with some lighting issues.

Most of them are self explanatory, but if any require an explanation, I'll be sure to explain.

First up, David, the keyboard player.

And now, let's show some Richie Sambora love. Even if he is an alcoholic (and slightly creepy). Either way, the guy can play some guitar (and the waa-waa thingy).

And here is some waa-waa playing pics. I dunno what you call that musical instrument, but I'm pretty sure the technical term is the waa-waa thingy.

Some good bandmate pictures. I'm really not a fan of Richie's hat, so I have chosen not to mention it until now. I think it looks goofy and the brim is weird.

And now some drummer love. Yay for Tico. This guy has some serious rhythm. And check out those facial expressions.

And last, but most definitely NOT least... **DRUMROLL** JON BON JOVI! :)

Oh, Jon... your smile just makes me crazy. Why do you have to be so happily married and old enough to be my father?

By now, I'm sure you are wondering why I told you about the inside joke at the beginning of this post. Here is where it comes in: I am officially a Bon Jovi fan. Sigh. Yes, I copied her. Darnit.

After all, It's My Life... it's now or never. :)