It's Father's Day!
Although I won't see my Dad today, but I wanted to take some time and write him a little note.
I've said it before, and I will say it again. I have the best parents ever. No really. Don't argue. Just trust me on this. I've been so blessed and so happy to share my life with people who mean so very much to me. My Dad is no exception. You'll never find a better father.
And the same goes for my mom's Dad, whom we affectionately call Papa. He's the best.
I love them both dearly!
Happy Father's Day to my two favorite men! I love you to the moon and back!
Dear Dad,
I know you are far from mushy and lovey dovey, but it's Father's Day and I want to write you a letter.
Thank you. It’s so hard to even start with the thank yous to you because I’m not sure which is the most important. Are the little thing or the big things the best? I’m not sure, but I know that you were there for all of them.
Thank you for being the very first person to hold me as breathed my first breath's outside on my Mom's belly. Thank you for loving me long before I took that first breath.
Thank you for staying busy so you could send us to New York and other amazing vacations. Thanks for setting an example as such a good business owner.
Thank you for paying for my college education without a single complaint. Thank you for caring about my grades and pushing me to be better. Thank you for being so much better at math than Mom so that I could make it through pre-cal. I wish I had your math gene, Mr. I-Can-Do-Ridiculous-Math-Equations-In-My-Head. Thank you for having such high expectations for me in every area of my life. It's made me a better person.
I'll admit; sometimes when you say "do as I say, not as I do", I could just strangle you. But I've listened to you. Because you've never lead me wrong. (Feel free to put that saying to rest any time you feel like you need to; I won't complain.) And thank you for constantly reminding me of some truths that have definitely proved true: "Em, if it were easy anyone could do it." and "Em, they can't eat you." I never get tired of you telling me how proud you are and I promise to continue to work my freakin' tail off to make your investment worthwhile.
You know as well as anyone that I'm often too sensitive for my own good. No matter what happened, if there were tears, your shoulder was also near. You never complained about the makeup that ended up all over your shirt and you just let me cry it out, which is often my preferred method of coping. When we were hurt, so were you. And whoever hurt us had better get the heck out of the way. I loved knowing that you were always on my side.
As I've gotten older, I've gotten less and less tolerant of whining. You've never been a fan. So it's no surprise that when I took over YOUR brand new pickup in high school for about 2 years, you didn't say a word. You let me do it. And I loved it. You didn't buy that brand new truck for me. You bought it for yourself. You didn't even get to break it in! And to this day, I've never heard a complaint (minus the usual teasing, of course). Not all Dads would do that, and I must say, I'm glad you did. Along with that nursing home, maybe I'll also buy you a brand new truck, too.
I love your sense of humor and your spot-on wit. I love laughing with you and making new memories. When I encounter people in my life, whether in clinic or anywhere, I always feel so happy to say "yes, he IS my father" when they say "hey are you related to BF"? And for the record, I've never met anyone who had anything negative to say about you. You make me proud and I hope I make you proud, too.
Thank you for spoiling me rotten blessing me with so many material things that I always tell you I just have to have.
Thanks for being part of the team that is half of the best parenting team ever! And thank you for not putting me in the middle of your marriage when we didn't belong there.
Thank you for being everything good in my life.
Thank you for also being such an amazing father to Katie. You would hang the moon for us without a second thought. I hope you know that we would do ANYTHING for you, too.
When my heart was broken you wanted to break his face and told me over and over again how stupid a man must be to let me go. Thank you for protecting me when I was so scared for my very life. I know you would've taken that bullet for me, and I'm thankful every single day that neither one of us had to. I'll try to pick a better one next time, by the way.
Your confidence in me gave me confidence. Your abundance of compliments gave me self esteem. Your belief in my abilities gave me drive. Your amusement at my spunk and independence made me feel I could do anything. Your acceptance and support of all my decisions made me trust myself.
What I've observed thus far about being a parent is that a lot of emulation happens. My dad emulated his father, he emulates his own dad, and the cycle continues. I am so blessed to be a part of a legacy that included positive role models for parenting. In this day and age, that's rare.
I never met Grandpa Jodie, and I really wish I would have. It's clear he set such a wonderful example for you and I'd love to tell him "thank you".
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a great dad. You do it so well, and I love you more than you'll ever ever know.
Thanks again!
P.S. What I told you still hold true, and it always will. If you'll get me through this phase of my life, I'll put you in the absolute best nursing home I can find. And I'll come visit now and then, too.
I would be remiss to leave out the other Father who has shaped my life. I have never met this one in person, though we have talked for hours on end. He has written me 66 books full of letters offering me guidance for my life. I have often called on Him when I needed answers or just someone to listen. He has loved me beyond any words that I could type here. He is truly the most amazing Father I could have ever asked for. He is God.
I don't know what your situation is today. Maybe you have a great relationship with your earthly father and maybe you don't. Maybe you don't even know who your earthly dad is. Maybe your father is in heaven and this day is full of loneliness for you. Whatever your circumstances, please know that God is your heavenly Father. He wants you to know that you are so, so loved and cherished. I would encourage you to spend some time taking with your Heavenly Father today. Celebrate His great love on this Father's Day!
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